All throughout high school you are expected to have good grades, but that can be challenging. They can be difficult to keep up with when trying to balance them with extracurricular, sports, and life outside of school. It’s very important to know how to keep motivated and where to get help in order to feel successful in getting good grades. So how can you make grades more manageable?
Some students know they want good grades and prioritize them for scholarships or college admissions, while others feel they are unimportant and won’t impact their future as much. Some just want to keep them up so they can play in school sports, to participate in school sports students need to be passing all classes. Despite all of this, it’s important to recognize that managing grades can teach you necessary lifelong skills such as responsibility, self-discipline, good mentality, and problem solving skills. Capital High School has resources available, so what are they and how can you use them?
There are lots of different options available for you, it’s important to find which works best for you. One great option is Wednesday’s in the library. From 2:40-3:25 after school every Wednesday, the library is open for tutoring, with staff and paraprofessionals who can help with any school work of any subject. Sometimes it’s helpful to have an adult other than a teacher assist and support you. You might find that you learn from one person a little better than another. The library can also just be a quiet place for students to study and get work done.
Another thing students are advised to do is meet with their teacher before or after school. It can be helpful to check up with them or get direct help if needed. Just make sure to plan ahead so you know they are available. Every day of the week besides Wednesday, a capital bus, called the brain train, goes back around at 4:15 for students who stay after school for academic help. If you can’t stay after school, another good time to get help is Coug Time. Every Wednesday you have the opportunity to make a plan to go to a club or class that can help you catch up, make-up, or get extra assistance from your teacher on work during Friday Coug Time. The nice thing about Coug Time is that you can go to a different club every Friday, depending on where you need help.
A fourth option is meeting with our counselors in the alternative lunch space. At 8:13 on Mondays and Fridays CHS counselors are in the alternative lunch space to assist you! Not so much with tutoring but to help you find ways to stay organized and on top of things.
When asking one of our CHS counselors, Joel Komscilies, for tips he said that after school “it’s easy to forget everything you’re supposed to do, it’s nice to be able to center yourself” and that “Usually a planner is a very helpful tool for students so they do not forget things and know due dates, Schoology can be very helpful for that, because it’s got a calendar” while “Skyward is only good for here’s what my grade is and this is where I’m behind, while Schoology is more proactive in helping you think more in advance.”
Another thing I really take into consideration is sleep. Studies show that consistent sleep schedule has a positive impact on grades and GPA’s. We also know that cognitive gains happen when students are asleep, and that poor sleep results in poor physical and physiological health. Ultimately lowering academic performance, which relates to another thing Mr. Komsciles said. He said that disturbances “can slow the mental capability of a student” making it harder to maintain good grades.
So if you are struggling, remember you are not alone. Explore the resources Capital has available and waiting for you to utilize, or reach out to a counselor if you need extra support! “This is something counselors are trying to help with.”