Students and staff at Capital High School have always had a lot of school pride. Fridays are spirit wear days, but not everyone likes to participate. Why is that? Showing school spirit is important, because it can help students to feel connected and included. It also helps to promote the school, and shows good attitude toward the school. As years go on, students may become less creative with their spirit wear. School merchandise is not something everyone is able to afford, or chooses to buy, because they may not see the point in having it in the future. This is why I believe students should be reminded that showing your school spirit doesn’t just mean wearing school merchandise, but perhaps wearing some school colors from your own closet, or from the thrift store. It can be fun to get creative, because that is what it’s all about in the end.
Students may also be unsure of where to purchase school merchandise, and they procrastinate because of it. After interviewing Kathy Cognasso, Capital High School’s Athletic Secretary, I’ve found a lot of useful information. Kathy also works the congress closet, makes designs, sets up the osd portal, monitors when the store is open, and teaches kids so they can be the ones working the place, so they can keep track of inventory and what needs to be ordered and brought into the store.
Mrs. Cognasso informed me that, “Congress closet is in the commons. We open Tuesdays and Thursdays at both lunches. The way it’s set up is we have some pre-made items, but the rest kids can place an order, and if we have time we’ll press it right there, or we’ll press it the next day and then they can pick it up. We also have it set up for parents on the osd payment portal. They can order gear through that, and then we run reports and the kids press it.” She also informed me that if someone came to her window, which is right there on the right when you walk into the school’s front entrance, she has order forms and you can purchase that way.
What I loved to hear from Mrs. Cognasso was, “All the money that congress closet raises goes back to students. It is a fundraiser for DECA, so all the money goes back and students benefit from it.” I’ve found Mrs. Cognasso’s interview to be very helpful, and I hope students can agree. I want Capital High School students to participate more in showing their spirit wear, because it can be fun. Pep assemblies and football games are great examples of that, plus students have opportunities to get free merchandise in the crowd!