Meet CHS’s New KOUG-TV Team
What is KOUG-TV?
KOUG-TV is Capital High School’s news and entertainment service. The members of the KOUG-TV team have known eachother and have been working together for several years. With varying degrees of experience and skills, they all have different jobs that all work together to bring a 5- Minute broadcast to CHS every single day. These are the people who make it happen.
News Director and Station Manager Jonathan Moore
Before becoming a teacher, Jonathan Moore worked as a producer at CBS for several years, where he learned a lot of the skills he knows today. Now in his 6th year teaching in the Olympia School District, he oversees the entire broadcast and team, while also introducing new students to the subject teaching his Visual Communications and Digital Design classes, as well as being head coach for CHS’s Speech and Debate team. He started KJAG-TV at Jefferson Middle School and moved his entire team to Capital at the start of this year. When asked, “Do you think that the broadcasts that the team at KOUG-TV make might eventually reach the expectations and standards of a modern professional news broadcast?” He said, “That’s the hope, and we’re working hard to get there.” We then asked him “Do you think most of the people you’ve worked with over your years teaching visual communication classes will be successful?” He responded with “I think our core team of people will be successful as long as they put the effort in.”
Executive Producer Charles Norris
Executive Producer Charles Norris has been working with news broadcasts for almost 5 years. He helped set up the creation of KJAG-TV at Jefferson Middle School and KOUG-TV here at CHS. He teaches most new students and leaders on the skills and know-how needed for a successful broadcast, and oversees all other members of the team. One of his specialties is overseeing all of the technical aspects of the broadcasts, such as managing the use of all equipment. We asked him “Do you believe the time and effort you’ve put into your broadcasts and into getting where you are was worth it?” He said “Definitely. I think that I’ve not only met some really wonderful people along the way, but that I’ve also become a better and more capable person than I was before. I hope that I’ve inspired some of my co-workers similarly.”
Executive Producer and Chief Anchor Oscar Pecan
Executive Producer and Chief Anchor Oscar Pecan has been working with the team and news broadcasts for almost 3 years. Brought on as a producer right before the Covid-19 lockdowns that closed schools across the country, he quickly became an essential part of the team. He became Chief Anchor anchoring JMS’s weekly Jefferson Good Morning News over the lockdown. Now, almost 3 years later, as Executive Producer, he oversees all content going into the daily broadcast, as well as anchoring it, bringing CHS their daily news every day. We asked him, along with the rest of the producers, “Do you think students currently in or wanting to get into VIS-COM programs should try to get into a leadership position like yourself?” He responded, “Yes, I think anyone who has an interest in the technical or personal aspects of a news broadcast should put the work in and try to get into a position that they would like and where they would work the best.”
Director Sawyer Conklin
Sawyer Conklin has been working with news broadcasts for 3 years and has been directing them for almost just as long. He is one of only 2 people who know how the Tricaster 2.0 Elite (The machine that makes the hews happen) works. He, almost single handedly, runs the entire filming and live streaming of the broadcast. As director, he makes a lot of exclusive executive decisions and has to make sure that all of the lighting and camera shots are perfect as well. He is one of the most important cogs of the machine that is KOUG-TV. We asked him “Do you think the technical skills you’ve learned as a director will assist you later in life?”. He said “Well, Oscar, I hope so. I plan on after high school, growing my skills in the news category, and if that doesn’t work out I still will have learned to work on a team filled with all different types of people, which is a good skill to learn. When it comes to technology, I am sure that someday I will work with a system as difficult as the Tricaster 2 Elite (the machine that produces our newscast), and knowing that I have figured it out before will help me stay motivated.”
Producer and Chief Editor Jimmie Nguyen
Chief Editor Jimmie Nguyen also came on to the KOUG-TV team around the time of the first COVID-19 lockdowns and with his professional skills in the technical and editing fields he became an essential part of the team while creating JMS’s Jefferson Good Morning News. Now, he is currently leading and teaching a team of almost 20 new editors and always happy to help anyone with any technical specific jobs.
Along with this core team there are 4 others who also are essential to the broadcast and process. Producer Carli Cockrell, Producer Ivy Davis, and Assistant Director Austin Wood.

Oscar Pecan is an aspiring journalist and already works with two news "organizations", The Outlook and KOUG-TV. He enjoys his roles in both and is an active...