Senior Spotlight: Dylan Werts

Jack Zimmerman

When looking for someone at this school who is talented but also passionate about their skill I look no further than Capital High School senior and inspired artist Dylan Werts. Dylan is a close friend of mine who has an incredible sense of humor as well as a deep respect for all of his friends. He is a member of the Capital High School Men’s Tennis Team in which he has participated since freshman year. His hobbies include reading poetry, writing, and creating for his friends in Dungeons and Dragons and he also claims to be a certified math genius he’s just been lying to his teachers for four years. But one big thing that I feel really sets Dylan apart from others is his talented drawing ability. 

When interviewing Dylan he was more than happy to tell me all about his experiences with his passion and told me even a few things I didn’t even know about him. When I asked him what made him want to start drawing in the first place he responded saying “I’ve always been a doodler but I’ve actually been trying to improve my art since two years ago.”  

It was interesting to hear from Dylan what inspired him to start drawing and he responded by saying that  “I initially started drawing because I was inspired by the illustrations in The Leviathan series but what kept me going is the tangible sense that I was improving.” The things Dylan likes to draw most when he sits down is faces and cloth as he explained to me that “Something about the way facial features are is very intriguing for me to draw and I also very much like the way cloth moves and folds which is why I like to draw that.” Dylan gets inspired to draw by the things he’s currently interested in at the time he told me that “I draw from what I’m interested in at the time because it pushes me to get better at the craft. If what I’m looking up to  is better than what I can put out, I’m inspired to get better myself in order to get to that level.” 

Dylan also appreciates the support he gets from his close friends and family but a few individuals he’d like to specifically thank for their support he told me was that “Dewell Dejesus is a big supporter of mine as well as my mom, and the pencil I draw  with was given to me by my close friend Ryann Fiess.” Along with Ryann Fiess being one of his supporters he also highly recommends people take a look at her art saying that (he) appreciates Ryann Feiss’s art a lot. She has a great sense of composition and her color schemes are very inspired.” One thing I was surprised to find about Dylan is that he currently uses his art knowledge to teach other people explaining to me that “I  give lessons on the fundamental things I know that I’ve picked up throughout the years so I can share my knowledge with, while also reinforcing the fundamental skills for myself.”

Dylan is truly a great and talented person.  Everyone should go check out his art and give him a good word because he deserves it. Find his work at his artist Instagram @Dylansmiscart.

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