Fashion During the Pandemic


Dayler Thurman-Williams, Copy Editor

In the time of sitting inside and watching hours of Tik Tok is there really any reason to get dressed? However, even if you are dressing up for your zoom call or wearing pajamas every day there is always something to inspire fashion, old or new.  Fashion has changed throughout this crazy year and people have found new ways to express themselves with their clothing. Here at Capital High School, class is all online, so why should we worry about what we wear? We shouldn’t. This gives new opportunities to grow your style when nobody can see you. Try on that cool shirt you saw on Pinterest, nobody will notice. Fashion has expanded so much during quarantine and the pressure is off. 

The use of social media to inspire fashion has changed the industry forever. New trends are always coming in and out and, no matter what form of media you have, there is always a way to find new trends. Just recently pressure to dress a certain way and follow trends was overwhelming for people of all ages and professions. It was important to wear the same “cool” shoes or have the same branded backpack, but we aren’t seeing people anymore. This leads to people trying new things and being relieved of the stereotypes that they felt they had to conform to.

As discussed, social media is a way to inspire your own style. Many different platforms are used but CHS students and teacher Mrs. Street, agree that “Pinterest is a great place to find new ways to enhance your style.” When asked why the app is helpful, CHS Sophomore Lily Condon says that “Pinterest allows people to search exactly what ‘style’ or ‘aesthetic’ they want and find recommendations based on that.” Senior Brook Harrison agrees, saying that, “Pinterest helps you find the aesthetic you want to have.”  

The overall consensus from the interviewees was that “style has changed over quarantine.” The ways in which they have varied. Senior Brook Harrison says that “there is more time to try different styles and new things. Plus more time for browsing social media.” teacher Mrs. Street says that, “there is less stress over wearing the ‘Business Casual’ look because people aren’t seeing the full outfit.” Senior Will Tolentino says that he “doesn’t have to wear ‘nice’ or ‘normal’ clothes because he is online.”

Outside pressure of fashion has always been present. Mrs. Street says that there is pressure to “look nice or put together” but believes that “people think others notice more than they really do.” Freshman Jen Yee says that there is pressure from “people all around you at school have great style.” Ryan Jansen says that he “doesn’t feel pressure when he is around people he knows.” Lily Conden and Brook Harrison agree that “trends of specific items and social trends.” All of the interviewees believed that “quarantine has made the amount of pressure less because “we aren’t going out as much.”

For future advancements in fashion Ryan Jansen says that “people will be more accepting of different styles and people trying new things” after quarantine. Jen Yee says, “because we are all wearing sweats, people won’t care as much.” Lily Conden says that “quarantine has been a time for a lot of people to grow their confidence with themselves and that leads to different more open styles.”

The future of fashion is unclear, but there is hope that we will all be a little more understanding about what others wear and be more accepting of others’ styles. When we get back to school, I hope that people will be more open with their styles and find other ways to respect people and their fashion choices.