House Passes Repeal of IRS Spending Bill

January 23, 2023
On January 9, 2023 the House passed a bill to repeal IRS funding. This bill was a major campaign promise that the republicans have now fulfilled. THis bill is very significant, it shows that the republicans are going to take an aggressive approach in the now republican house.
The spending bill the house has repealed is officially called The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Like most bills proposed by democrats this bill encompasses a very large and broad number of things, some not necessarily related to each other. But for the sake of my sanity and accuracy of this editorial I’m only going to cover the IRS funding section of the bill. This bill allocates 79.6 billion dollars to the IRS. The money remains available until 2031. Of this 79.6 billion 45.6 billion is allocated towards enforcement. This law also calls for the expansion of the IRS and the hiring of new employees.
During the process of voting The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 into law the Republicans fought to add protections for middle and lower-income taxpayers from increased audits and scrutiny. The Democrats rejected these proposals. The democrats continue to argue that they do this for taxpayers’ protections and that this money will go towards targeting big business yet they rejected these proposals when passing this bill into law.
The Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act is a very simple one page proposal by the republicans. If the bill was put into law it will erase all new IRS funding except for $8 billion in systems modernization and taxpayer services. The republicans proposed this bill to protect taxpayers from the government using the IRS as a weapon as has happened in the past. Like the targeting of Tea Party and other conservative groups and massive leak of information to ProPublica used to support Democrat causes.
The House passing The Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act is a great step towards a greater freer America. This bill is unlikely to pass the Senate and Biden has stated that he will veto this bill should it reach his desk, but it shows a strong republican front that is willing to follow through on their campaign promises and fight against the injustice being inflicted onto the American people. Afterall excessive taxation and injustice is why we left the British yet we continue to let the government tax us excessively and break the constitution without any consequences simply because they claim to be doing it for our “safety”.