Are “Skeletons” in the Hit Game “Clash Royale” Worth Using?

February 10, 2022
If you’ve played Clash Royale, you might know about the minion card Skeletons. These buggers cost 1 elixir and spawn in a group of three, although they usually each die to a single attack. Their apparent weakness leaves a lasting question: are Skeletons worth using?
So, how is this worth your time? To be honest, it probably isn’t, but if you play Clash Royale and have also pondered the usefulness of Skeletons, then maybe just maybe this article will be halfway worth reading!Let’s break down what makes Skeletons Skeletons. First off, you get Skeletons from the Bone Pit (Arena 2). The card spawns three single-target, melee Skeletons with very low (a base of 50) hit-points and damage. They’re the same ones that the Witch, Tombstone, Skeleton Barrel, Skeleton Army, Graveyard, and the Skeleton King have generated. A Skeletons card costs 1 Elixir to deploy.
Now that we have those facts well and out of the way, let’s look at what some Clash Royale players at Capital High School have to say about the minion card Skeletons.
When asked if Skeletons are practical to use for most players, one Clash Royale player responded with. “Oh, uh. I guess they’re good for cycling (quickly using a card to get another), and I feel like just about anybody can use Skeletons without much difficulty.” Says Jimmy, the Clan Leader of “The Chimps.”
“They’re (Skeletons) are a card that you can use to distract things for a few seconds for just 1 elixir and a card where you can cycle back to another X-Bow quicker.” Reports Skyler, a high level Clan Elder and avid X-Bow user, a high hitpoint building that fires on single target, ground based minions and buildings from afar.
When asked as to whether Skeletons were skill intensive, Luke responded with “Skeletons are certainly a “based” card. Maybe more for trolling than anything, though. I mean, it probably is a little skill based given how the card itself is so weak and depends on proper placement to actually distract enemies, but I dunno.” Luke is a veteran Clash Royale and Clash of Clans player from CHS.
What we can take away is that many people at CHS believe Skeletons are handy for cycling through cards quickly given their low cost, and they’re a little skill based given their overall weakness and focus on distraction, making them a decisive pick for decks that need to get priority cards unto the battlefield and a little surprise for the enemy.