A Finals Talk
Asher Noriega, 9, studying for finals.
April 10, 2017
There are arguments about if the finals test are something that the OSD should keep using to see the level of knowledge obtained over the year. These test are given twice yearly to us high school students. It is a stressful time for all, as teachers give comprehensive test or unit assessments, and as students preparing\reviewing the last five or so months of learning to test high in the finals. There are many pros and cons to the system, these are some of them.
The arguments of the test are that of both good and bad with the main reason to keep them is for the students that have a work ethic problem over being uneducated, but those who do not know the material but have turned in all the assignments will have to suffer in their lack of knowledge. The other arguments come down to the thought of standards that we have held for years vs. the newer level of knowledge that we have gained from the year. The arguments are the basis for the fight over finals, what do you have to add?
I think overall that finals are good, I’m the type that has an easy time with them. Do you fall into the same type as me or are you a different type?