Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
John Gerhard, 11, playing Breath of the Wild.
April 10, 2017
With the new release of the Nintendo Switch, the launch titles that came with it only had one standout entry so far, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. This is one of the most anticipated games for so many. It is the latest in the big console title in the Zelda series. The two 3DS games that came before it where more of a hold over with a few new ideas added to the 2D Zelda games, with many forgetting them due to the little innovation put into them. Breath of the Wild is the greatest change from the tried and true method of the puzzle and combat oriented dungeons of the Zelda franchise.
The story is hard to spoil due to the fact that the story follows the formula for all the Zelda games. The three pieces of the Triforce (the great Deus ex Machina of the franchise) have been given to three people, and the Triforce of power has been given to a great evil that now threatens the world. Your job, as the hero, is to SAVE THE WORLD!
Breath of the Wild is an open world game in that if you see it, you can go to it. I have spent the last few days playing BotW and have enjoyed it to no end. I have been able to go and spend time helping random people and completing the story at the same time. I have gotten through most of the main quest so far, with the final fight coming up. I have, so far, saved 4 different cities and hundreds of people, and a several dozen shrines completed (simple puzzles that sit in their own mini-dungeon). I’m still having fun running around and fighting with the same enjoyment that I did at day one. I would say that Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is worth playing, with the game being a perfect mix of puzzle and combat.