What it means to be an American?


Cecilio Danila, Reporter

To be an American means to have characteristics relating to the United States or its inhabitants, but what does that even mean? Would our founding fathers be proud of us if they saw how our generation currently represents the qualities of the United States? Our Constitutional Amendments protect everyone’s freedom for expression and existence, but being “American” has many definitions. It is interesting to think about if this idea of having many definitions is a strength of being “American,” or a part of the current divisional feel in our society.

The United States was originally described as a melting pot for all. The idea was that newcomers would embrace the ideals of being an American, and assimilate and become one with all who were already here. However that is not what has happened. As people arrived to our country, they found support and strength from others who arrived before them or with them. And so, we have moved from the melting pot idea to a salad bowl concept. This idea is equally as great as the melting pot metaphor because the variety of items in a salad is what makes a salad great.

What still exists is the belief of anyone being able to seek the opportunities to live the best life that you can, getting the job you want, and earning the education you’ve always wanted to have. The Founding Fathers gave us the fighting independence from the British so they could mold the United States into a vision of what America stands for. They created the Bill of Rights for everybody’s freedom to be themselves, but do the ideologies of the Founding Fathers still hold up in today’s world?

So why are some saying that immigration is now a weakness to a country? Would this about-face disappoint our founding fathers? Immigrants purchase items to live. They pay taxes, vote, build, farm and serve just like the rest of us.

If you’re going to split hairs and say illegal immigrants are a problem, then welcome to a conversation that has been around for decades. However, it’s more of an issue of bringing those who work in our country into the light so they can pay their taxes, not experience abuse and not live in continued fear.

How can one square the idea that even though we are ALL immigrants save for our Native American citizens, we are now claiming that immigrants are not valuable to our country? We currently have food rotting in the fields and domestic services are in high demand as no one else will work those positions. Everyone should have the same opportunities living in America as anyone else, everybody wants only one thing to do when immigrating to the United States and that’s to live the American Dream.